Gardie Design & Social Media Marketing Kathryn Day | Birmingham based Progressive Celebrant



Your wedding or vow renewal should reflect your personalities, your love, your dreams and your commitment to each other. For those who do not want a religious wedding there are a wealth of alternatives out there for you to explore, a favourite restaurant or  a special place where you both met, a boat, on a mountain, in a hot country on the beach or a wild flower meadow. 

Why choose a celebrant rather than a Registrar?

Both Registrar and church weddings have a limited choice on what you can include in your big day. There are restrictions on the words that you can use as well as readings and poems, they are also pretty quick and will need to be completed within a set time. You may not meet the person marrying you before the service either. However by hiring a Celebrant you have an alternative to the prescriptive traditions. Choosing a Celebrant means you can have your own bespoke ceremony that is unique to you as a couple, no two relationships are the same so no two weddings should be the same.
'Will I be legally married if I have a Celebrant?'

No, as with births and deaths the legal bit has to be done in a registry office. However this need only take about 10 minutes and costs about £50. Many couples do this bit in their jeans leaving the dressing up to their big day.  

'Where can I have my wedding ceremony?'

You aren't restricted by having to choose a licensed venue, you can choose anywhere you like (within reason). It can be in stately home, a hotel, the beach, on a mountain, in the woods, your back garden. You have so much choice of where the wedding will be held when hiring a celebrant. 

'How long can the ceremony be?'

As long as you want, again unlike conventional weddings by hiring a celebrant to perform your ceremony you are able to have as long as you wish for your big day. You won’t feel like you do in a registry office, having to leave promptly so another couple can have their turn.

'What can we include?'

There are many traditions that you can add to your ceremony to make it 
extra special and reflective of you and your relationship including:

Unity candles
Sand ceremony
Breaking the glass 
Wedding capsule

There are lots of ways we can incorporate family members, make your wedding inclusive of everyone!

You may have your own ideas! Lets talk :-) 

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